01707508080, 01707508081

Course Offered of Computer Science and Engineering

Semester Name: Spring-2024
Academic Year: 2024
Start Date: 2024-01-01
Section Name: Male
Sub Section: A
End Date: 2024-06-30

SL Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 First Semester HUM-113 Bangladesh Studies 3
2 First Semester PHY-111 Engineering Physics 3
3 First Semester EEE-122 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Laboratory 1.5
4 First Semester EEE-121 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3
5 First Semester HUM-113 Bangladesh Studies 3
6 First Semester PHY-111 Engineering Physics 3
7 First Semester EEE-122 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Laboratory 1.5
8 First Semester EEE-121 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3
9 First Semester ED-122 Engineering Drawing 0.75
10 First Semester ED-122 Engineering Drawing 0.75
11 First Semester CSE-114 Introduction to Programming and Programming Contest Laboratory 1.5
12 First Semester CSE-113 Computer Fundamentals 3
13 First Semester CSE-114 Introduction to Programming and Programming Contest Laboratory 1.5
14 First Semester CSE-113 Computer Fundamentals 3
15 First Semester PHY-114 Engineering Physics Laboratory 1
16 First Semester PHY-114 Engineering Physics Laboratory 1
17 First Semester HUM-111 Basic English 3
18 First Semester MATH-111 Differential and Integral Calculus 3
SL Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 Second Semester CSE-123 Discrete Mathematics 3
2 Second Semester CSE-122 Structured Programming Language Laboratory 1.5
3 Second Semester CSE-121 Structured Programming Language 3
4 Second Semester HUM-123 Engineering Economics 3
5 Second Semester MATH-121 Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations 3
6 Second Semester HUM-121 Communicative English 3
7 Second Semester CSE-123 Discrete Mathematics 3
8 Second Semester CSE-122 Structured Programming Language Laboratory 1.5
9 Second Semester CSE-121 Structured Programming Language 3
10 Second Semester HUM-123 Engineering Economics 3
11 Second Semester MATH-121 Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations 3
12 Second Semester HUM-121 Communicative English 3
13 Second Semester CSE-123 Discrete Mathematics 3
14 Second Semester MATH-123 Co-ordinate Geometry and Differential Equations 3
15 Second Semester CSE-122 Structured Programming Language Laboratory 1.5
16 Second Semester BAN-121 Functional Bengali Language 2
17 Second Semester CSE-121 Structured Programming Language 3
18 Second Semester CHEM-112 Chemistry Laboratory 1
19 Second Semester HUM-123 Engineering Economics 3
20 Second Semester CHEM-111 Chemistry 3
SL Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 Third Semester CSE-214 Data Structures Laboratory 0.75
2 Third Semester CSE-213 Data Structures 3
3 Third Semester CSE-212 Object Oriented Programming Language Laboratory 1.5
4 Third Semester EEE-212 Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory 1.5
5 Third Semester CSE-211 Object Oriented Programming Language 3
6 Third Semester EEE-211 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3
7 Third Semester MATH-213 Probability and Statistics 3
8 Third Semester MATH-211 Vector analysis, Complex variables and Linear Algebra 3
9 Third Semester MATH-213 Probability and Statistics 3
10 Third Semester MATH-211 Vector analysis, Complex variables and Linear Algebra 3
11 Third Semester CSE-214 Data Structures Laboratory 0.75
12 Third Semester CSE-213 Data Structures 3
13 Third Semester CSE-212 Object Oriented Programming Language Laboratory 1.5
14 Third Semester EEE-212 Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory 1.5
15 Third Semester CSE-211 Object Oriented Programming Language 3
16 Third Semester EEE-211 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3
SL Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 Fourth Semester CSE-222 Algorithms Laboratory 1.5
2 Fourth Semester MATH-221 Matrices and Fourier Analysis 3
3 Fourth Semester CSE-221 Algorithms 3
4 Fourth Semester CSE-227 Theory of Computing 2
5 Fourth Semester CSE-226 Numerical Analysis Laboratory 0.75
6 Fourth Semester CSE-225 Numerical Analysis 3
7 Fourth Semester CSE-224 Digital Logic Design Laboratory 1.5
8 Fourth Semester CSE-223 Digital Logic Design 3
9 Fourth Semester HUM-221 Financial and Managerial Accounting 3
10 Fourth Semester CSE-224 Digital Logic Design Laboratory 1.5
11 Fourth Semester CSE-223 Digital Logic Design 3
12 Fourth Semester HUM-221 Financial and Managerial Accounting 3
13 Fourth Semester CSE-222 Algorithms Laboratory 1.5
14 Fourth Semester MATH-221 Matrices and Fourier Analysis 3
15 Fourth Semester CSE-221 Algorithms 3
16 Fourth Semester CSE-227 Theory of Computing 2
17 Fourth Semester CSE-226 Numerical Analysis Laboratory 0.75
18 Fourth Semester CSE-225 Numerical Analysis 3
SL Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 Fifth Semester CSE-316 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, and Embedded Systems Laboratory 1.5
2 Fifth Semester CSE-315 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, and Embedded Systems 3
3 Fifth Semester CSE-313 Signals and Systems 3
4 Fifth Semester CSE-312 Digital Electronics & Pulse Techniques Laboratory 1.5
5 Fifth Semester EEE-311 Electrical Machines 3
6 Fifth Semester CSE-311 Digital Electronics & Pulse Techniques 3
7 Fifth Semester CSE-318 Data Base Management Systems Laboratory 1.5
8 Fifth Semester CSE-317 Data Base Management Systems 3
9 Fifth Semester CSE-311 Digital Electronics & Pulse Techniques 3
10 Fifth Semester CSE-318 Data Base Management Systems Laboratory 1.5
11 Fifth Semester CSE-317 Data Base Management Systems 3
12 Fifth Semester CSE-316 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, and Embedded Systems Laboratory 1.5
13 Fifth Semester CSE-315 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, and Embedded Systems 3
14 Fifth Semester CSE-313 Signals and Systems 3
15 Fifth Semester CSE-312 Digital Electronics & Pulse Techniques Laboratory 1.5
16 Fifth Semester EEE-311 Electrical Machines 3
SL Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
SL Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite
1 Seventh Semester CSE-331 Computer Architecture 3
2 Seventh Semester CSE-322 Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 0.75
3 Seventh Semester CSE-330 Computer Networks Laboratory 0.75
4 Seventh Semester CSE-329 Computer Networks 3
5 Seventh Semester CSE-327 Social and Professional Ethics in Computing 3
6 Seventh Semester CSE-326 Web Programming Laboratory 1.5
7 Seventh Semester CSE-324 Data Communication Laboratory 0.75
8 Seventh Semester MGT-321 Industrial Management and Laws 3
9 Seventh Semester CSE-321 Artificial Intelligence 3
10 Seventh Semester CSE-323 Data Communication 3
11 Seventh Semester CSE-321 Artificial Intelligence 3
12 Seventh Semester CSE-330 Computer Networks Laboratory 0.75
13 Seventh Semester CSE-329 Computer Networks 3
14 Seventh Semester CSE-327 Social and Professional Ethics in Computing 3
15 Seventh Semester CSE-326 Web Programming Laboratory 1.5
16 Seventh Semester CSE-324 Data Communication Laboratory 0.75
17 Seventh Semester MGT-321 Industrial Management and Laws 3
18 Seventh Semester CSE-323 Data Communication 3
19 Seventh Semester CSE-331 Computer Architecture 3
20 Seventh Semester CSE-322 Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 0.75
SL Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisite